Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another Devotional

Here is another devotional I wrote in the same series back in March.  Thought I would post it here now, too, while I was posting the other one...  This one is on Matthew 23:13-36 and the Pharisees' hypocritical attitudes (and our sometimes frighteningly similar qualities):

Join the Journey Devo. March 29


So, I haven't exactly done my job of keeping up with my blog this summer while I'm home.... :-/  But I wanted to link a devotional I wrote for my church's devotional series (which is going through the Gospels this year).... It is on Luke Ch. 7 (v. 18-35) and John the Baptist's doubts while imprisoned (and the doubts that we carry)...  Hope you enjoy!

Join the Journey Devo. Aug. 1