Monday, November 15, 2010


One of my roles here in Africa is with a wonderful organization called Karama. Karama gives jobs and dignity to women in Africa by employing them to create beautiful products which are then sold in the states. (Combining my passion for design, beauty, Africa, and fair trade....!) I just posted on Karama's blog, so instead of me going into more detail here, read my post:

Karama's website is currently under construction, but a "temporary glimpse" can be seen here: A much new and improved site is coming soon, where you'll be able to see the true vision and order the beautiful products.... I'll let you know as soon as it comes up!

1 comment:

  1. Erin! Karama was at the garden market yesterday & i thought of you often as the planning of the market was happening - you would have loved it!!! So many vendors helping others with their God given gifts. I hope you are well!!! davis
