Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tomorrow is the day!

So, tomorrow is the day I finally move to Tanzania! I'm leaving in the morning at 7:00am for the airport.... I'm excited, a little nervous, and definitely anxious to meet my new home and life! I'd love your prayers in this transitional time.... don't have any specific requests, just whatever's on your heart- I'll take it! :) Thank you, thank you!! Once I get settled over there, I'll update here with specifics about my new life there. :) And I'll share some stories from these past few weeks.

Love to all.... I'm very excited for this next step in the journey the Lord has me on and cannot wait to see where He takes it from here! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear from you once you are all settled in! You are really there - wow, so awesome! Missing you tons in Dallas...
