Monday, June 28, 2010

My Upcoming Schedule / Good Quote

So I leave NEXT WEEK!!! I can't believe it! I am SO excited and ready for this move; my heart has been living there for these past few months and I am ready to go join it!! Here is a brief summary of my travel plans, since I'm heading out there a month before needing to be in Tanzania.... here's what I'll be doing:

F, July 9th: Leave Dallas!!! (to Johannesburg, S.Africa)

M, July 12th - M, July 19th: Mission trip in Zimbabwe with a Young Life group from Atlanta

M, July 19th - Sun, Aug. 8th: Spend a couple weeks in South Africa (traveling throughout) with my brother who's living in Johannesburg and my mother who will fly out there then

Sun, Aug. 8th: Fly to Tanzania!!

Sun, Aug. 8th - Sat, Aug. 15th: Orientation in Dar es Salaam with Young Life/Getting to know my new home!

M, Aug. 16th - F, Aug. 20th: Teaching Orientation at HOPAC

M, Aug. 23rd: Start the school year!

To close, here's a favorite quote of mine (from which YL Africa got their key phrase 'Bridging the Gap'):

"To become neighbors is to bridge the gap between people. As long as there is distance between us we cannot look into one another's eyes. We forget that they love as we love, care for their children as we care for ours, become sick and die as we do. We forget they are our brothers and sisters." -Henri Nouwen

Because these ARE our brothers and sisters in Africa, I want to close the gap that now separates me from them. I cannot wait to be their true neighbor. In my journeys, I hope to bridge the gap between my friends in America with my friends in Africa and hope that you will be able to see each other more and more as your brothers and sisters instead of as a far removed people... and ultimately, as your brothers and sisters whose needs and concerns affect you as much as they would affect a "real" family. That is the desire I have for myself, and I hope it for any of you who read this as well. :)

Thanks for being a part of this with me!!


  1. You forgot a very important part of your schedule...practice SKYPE with me! We have to figure that out...surely it's not hard?? I can't believe you leave NEXT WEEK....

  2. So excited to read about your journey while you are there...I will be praying for you constantly!

  3. I am so excited for you. I'll pray that God will continue to bless you and those you touch. My very best to you always, Erin.
