Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Join the Journey Devotional

My church (Fellowship Dallas.... the one at Park Ln. and Central... best church in Dallas- you Dallasites need to check it out! :) has a daily devotional series that you can sign up for and receive daily emails from. Members of the church write the devotionals, and each year they go through the Bible (or a specific part of it, like the New Testament). Anyway, today's devo. was written by me... so check it out! And sign up to receive the daily emails! :)

Here's the link:

1 comment:

  1. wow - just read your devotional. way to go, girl. are you the next "beth moore?" eugh.
    nah but for real, you are a GREAT teacher! so clear and articulate!

    also, love that africa slang, mzungu. ha ha. keep it coming.
