In my devotional this morning, I read Jeremiah 29. I've been studying the book of Jeremiah, and this chapter was so amazingly applicable to my life and my time here now. I'm sure most of you are familiar with verse 11: "For I know the plans I have for you, plans for good and not for evil, plans to give you a future and a hope." This is a wonderful verse and is often used by Christians to encourage and uplift each other (and should be!). But seeing this verse in context gives it so much more meaning and makes it that much more powerful.
The Israelites have been rebelling against the Lord for generation upon generation. He had brought them to His promised land and blessed them incredibly there; yet when they got to this place of blessing, they turned completely from Him. Yes, they would still go to the temple on Sabbath days and perform the rituals and "acts" that were a part of their Judaism, but their hearts were far, far from Him. They worshiped other gods, participated in horrible and evil acts (including child sacrifice, Jer. 7:31), and were completely defying and ignoring the Lord. He sent prophet after prophet- for generation upon generation- to plead with them to turn back. That if they turned back in their HEARTS (which would therefore change their actions), He would bless them and forgive their sins. For years upon years, they ignored these prophets and continued in their ways.
God therefore knows that "tough love" is now necessary- the only way to reach them now is to treat them with discipline in order to get their attention and thus ultimately turn their hearts back to Him. (Oh, how patient He is! How many chances He had given them until He resorted to this!) His method of discipline is to take Judah and its people into captivity by Babylon, through Nebuchadnezzar. He sends Jeremiah to tell the Israelites (and surrounding nations) to submit to the captivity of Babylon- that their only hope for future blessing and restoration is to submit now so that they can be restored later. (And all the while false prophets abound, telling them the opposite- telling them "words they want to hear", which are not from the Lord.... thus reminding of us the importance in discerning the lessons we hear from our preachers and teachers). If they submit to Babylon, they will keep their lands and the Lord will bring them back and restore them and bless them there (after 70 years- one more of the thousands of amazing prophesies that have been fulfilled in the Bible). In the meantime, though, these are His words to them while they are in Babylon:
"Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare." (Jer. 29:7)
This verse is so powerful to me now, and I hope that it can speak to you as well. The Lord has not sent me to Tanzania as a form of exile, but He HAS sent me to Tanzania. And I can thus know that if He has sent me here, He wants me to pray for and seek the GOOD of this land. And He wants the same of you.... where has He brought you? Whether it's Dallas, LA, Uganda, London..... God has brought you there "for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14). He has purpose in His plans and wants you to pray for and seek the good of that place. (But don't forget to pray for Africa and Tanzania, too! :))
After He tells the people to seek the welfare of Babylon while they are there, the Lord gives His promise that He will return the people to their homeland. Why?
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.'" (Jer. 29:11)
Though their time in exile will be very hard, His plan for them is still GOOD. He still desires to give them a FUTURE and a HOPE. (Again, how lovingly patient and merciful He is!) He immediately follows verse 11 up with this:
"Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for me with all your heart. I will be found by you... I will restore your fortunes... and I will bring you back." (Jer. 29:12-14)
When will they "find" Him and have their blessings restored? When they seek Him with ALL THEIR HEART. Will His purpose of bringing their hearts back to Him- after all those years of rebellion- have been fulfilled? Yes. Was His method of using discipline (like any loving father does) worth it? Yes, I would say that it definitely was.
Where has God called you? Is He perhaps even calling you to go to another foreign or strange land? Or is He maybe taking you through a period of discipline right now because you have been ignoring Him and He wants your full heart back? What does He speak to you through this chapter?
I will continue to seek the good of this land where He has sent me.... to pray for my fellow Tanzanians and to seek their welfare by serving them and their children. Thank you, Lord, for the honor and the privilege of sending me to such a wonderful country and such a wonderful people. Help me to be a blessing to them. (and please help me learn Swahili, too!) :)